Festivals and Events

Belfast Events Calendars
The Belfast Chamber of Commerce keeps the most accurate and Calendar of Events for the local region. Our Town Belfast, A Main Street Community also offers a village event calendar.

Belfast's Friday Art Walks
Every fourth Friday, 5:30 – 8:00pm, in May – September (plus at the holiday art walk in December), enjoy miniature art festivals, a blend of visual arts, with performance art and music outside in the downtown historic district.
Spring and Summer

Belfast's Maine Celtics Celebration | July
The Maine Celtic Celebration is a family oriented celebration of the rich Celtic heritage, culture and hospitality found along the coast of Maine.

North Atlantic Blues Festival | July
The North Atlantic Blues Festival is an annual two-day blues music festival featuring national blues performers and considered one of the most prestigious on the East Coast. The festival is held at the Public Landing in Rockland, Maine.

Arts in the Park | July
Arts in the Park is one of the most respected fine arts and crafts festivals in MidCoast Maine. The variety of artwork and crafts is outstanding, and continuous live music and the smells of freshly grilled food add to the festival atmosphere. The venue can’t be improved: set on the water’s edge, right downtown, with sailboats and dinghies moored a few feet away.

Maine Lobster Festival | August
Maine Lobster Festival – Nine tents, the world’s greatest lobster cooker, a sea goddess, a big parade, top notch entertainment, an international crate race, fine art, talented crafts people and vendors, US Navy ship tours, all you can eat pancakes, free shuttle service, US Coast Guard Station tours, professional and amateur cooking contests, marine heritage, road races, kids events, and more than 20,000 pounds of lobster!

Belfast Harbor Fest & Classic Boat Show | August
A three day celebration highlighting the harbor boat building challenge, and all that is good about the Maine Coast and Belfast’s Maritime Tradition. Located at Steamboat Landing & Heritage Park.
Autumn and Winter

Camden Windjammer Festival | September
Celebrate Camden’s maritime heritage and living traditions at the annual Camden Windjammer Festival. Watch the magnificent schooners as they maneuver into the harbor, bid on dinners aboard one of the fleet, and then watch a talent show by schooner crews in Harbor Park followed by fireworks over the harbor. The fun continues all weekend with a lobster crate race, a Build-A-Boat contest, displays of maritime activities and history, Chowder Challenge, Sea Dog Show, pirates, tours of the windjammers and fun for all.

Common Ground Fair | September
The Common Ground Country Fair is delighted to be one of the most popular destinations in Maine each fall. Annually almost 60,000 visitors enjoy the Common Ground Country Fair.

New Years by the Bay | December 31
This is a yearly town-wide, grass-roots celebration that takes place on New Year’s Eve. The event is a chem-free, family-oriented, affordable, cultural celebration of the New Year that takes place from around 3:00pm until 12:30am, among indoor venues across downtown Belfast. Showcasing a wide variety of live performances, as well as several dance bands, the night culminates with a midnight bonfire at the Belfast Public Landing.

Belfast Winter Whoopla | January
This winter season celebration is 2 days of fun community activities, including a frost & flannel dance, pancake breakfast, snowman contest, sledding on the commons, snow painting, snowshoeing with s’mores, a chili cook off, cornhole tournament, and even a Christmas Tree Bonfire!