MidCoast Maine Lighthouses
New England is known for its beautiful and historic lighthouses dotting the coastline, marking towns, harbors, and points, while offering warning and comfort to sailors – past and present. There is something truly romantic about these beacons that have stood for generations, through countless storms and dark nights. And here in MidCoast Maine we tend to several of these timeless towers, and we recommend visiting at least a couple during your stay.
* Most of the Lights have seasonal hours. Check ahead before embarking.
* The images on this page are copyrighted. They were purchased for commercial use from Jeremy D’Entremont Photography.

Fort Point Light
Stockton Springs, Maine / newenglandlighthouses.net/fort-point
Fort Point Lighthouse is located on Cape Jellison on the west side of the mouth of Penobscot River. Build in 1857, the brick lighthouse stands 31ft high on an 88ft plane overlooking the Atlantic.
Designated an Historic Site, the lighthouse grounds (but not the lighthouse) are open to the public seasonally from 9:00am until sunset.

Curtis Island Light
Camden, Maine / newenglandlighthouses.net/curtis-island
Curtis Island Lighthouse stands on a small island at the entrance to Camden Harbor. Built with brick in 1896, the Light stands at 25ft.
The lighthouse grounds (but not the lighthouse) are open to the public as the island is a public park, but is only accessible by boat.

Grindle Point Light & Museum
Islesboro, Maine / newenglandlighthouses.net/grindle-point
Grindle Point Lighthouse is at Gilkey Harbor on the west side of Islesboro, reachable via ferry from Lincolnville Beach. This brick light was build in 1874 and stands 39ft tall. The Sailor’s Memorial Museum is located in the innkeeper’s house.
Lighthouse grounds and museum are open seasonally during select days and hours.

Rockland Breakwater Light
Rockland, Maine / rocklandharborlights.org/rkdhistory
Located on Jameson Point in Rockland Harbor, at the end of a 7/8-mile-long breakwater, Rockland Breakwater Light requires a roughly 2-mile walk to visit, but the coastal scenery makes it worth the trip. The Light was built in 1902 of wood and brick, and stands 25ft tall.

Owls Head Light
Owls Head, Maine / rocklandharborlights.org/ohhistory
Owls Head Lighthouse is found on West Penobscot Bay, on the south side of the entrance to Rockland Harbor. Built in 1852, the Light stands to 30ft, on a 100ft plane. The views are excellent!
The grounds are designated as a state park, open to the public seasonally on select days.

Marshall Point Light and Museum
Port Clyde, Maine / marshallpoint.org
Standing proudly on a rocky point at the entrance of Port Clyde harbor, Marshall Point Lighthouse and Museum offers visitors an engaging look at the local history, beauty, and wonder of MidCoast Maine. Built in 1857 of brick and granite, the light stands 31ft.
The grounds are open to the public from sunrise to sunset. The museum and gift shop are open seasonally, with select hours.

Pemaquid Point Light
Bristol, Maine / bristolmaine.org/pemaquid-point
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse is found at the entrance to Muscongus Bay and John Bay. Owned and operated by the town of Bristol (with the help of volunteers), the site includes a Fisherman’s Museum. The Light was constructed in 1835 to a height of 38ft.
The lighthouse and grounds are open to the public seasonally from 10:30am to 5:00pm.